Firms we worked with in the Power Sector

Toughened Glass Disc Insulators

Sediver is part of SEVES Group Italy, a world-class manufacturer of toughened glass disc insulators for overhead transmission lines (up to 1000 kV AC and 800 kV HVDC), and Railway and Distribution systems. Manufacturing plants located in Italy, USA and China are all ISO 9001-2000 certified. More than 500 million glass insulators are in service worldwide including More than 8 million in India on AC and HVDC Transmission lines up to 800KV. Sediver offers factory-produced insulators covered with silicon for the high polluted environments to overcome the problem associated with frequent failures and flashovers.

Instrument Transformers Up to 765 kV

Instrument Transformers for utilities and railways (Current Transformers & Capacitive Voltage Transformers, optical CTs) from ARTECHE, SPAIN who have more than 75 years of experience and offer a wide range of products that covers the customer’s needs in substations. Till date more than 400,000 units, up to 765 kV, are in service all over the world. In India, we supplied to the national utility Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Reliance ADA over 350 Instrument transformers for several 765 kV substations, STATCOM, FACTS and Metro railway. Anmol preformed DGA for all substations and provided After Sales Service including training at the site.

LAMIFIL, Belgium
High Ampacity Conductors, Catenary

High-Temperature Low Sag Conductor (HTLS – GAP Conductor – GZTACSR) from Lamifil, Belgium ( – High Ampacity Special conductors for transmitting higher power. Supplied to Power Grid Corporation of India Limited. More than 1500 KMs of Gap conductor on 430 KM on a mix of 220&400 KV including live line installation in Power Grid network of Neyveli. Anmol also provided the supervision of service of stringing at sites. LAMIFIL also supplied a catenary to Delhi Metro Railway Corporation and others.    

FORTUM, Finland
Advance Process Simulator

Power Plant Engineering & Training Simulator from Fortum, Finland, which has designed, developed, and delivered Simulators for power Plants including coal and gas-fired and Nuclear Power. The Simulator is used for engineering, and training including feasibility studies, design, commissioning, and operation of power plants also as a Training Simulator for Power Plant Operators. In India, NTPC is using this simulator at EOC/Noida, India. Anmol’s engineers took training at VTT in Finland and helped FORTUM and NTPC to set up at Noida.

Fortum eNext has extensive experience in NOx reduction technologies of coal thermal power plants. Fortum performed NOx reduction in India in several power plants for private and public utilities. Anmol Solutions acted as marketing consultants and strategic partner for these projects.

PPC Insulators, Austria, Czech Republic and Brazil
PPC Insulators is a technology leader and manufacturer of state-of-the-art electrical porcelain insulators for overhead transmission lines, substations up to 1,200kV AC and 1,100kV DC, Hollow Insulators RTV Coated Insulators & Services Fiber Optic Hollow Post Insulators and electrostatic precipitator. Bus posts are manufactured in PPC CAB, A.S. Czech Republic.

SILEC CABLE, France (a Prysmian Group, Italy company now)
XLPE Power Cables

Silec Cable has been a leading manufacturer and supplier of Extra High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems from 33 to 500KV XLPE power cables including submarine and land HVDC cables of 320KV and 520KV. Silec has supplied the XLPE cable systems of 132KV, 220KV, and 400KV to TNEB, NHPC, ABB, and Jaypee Ventures among others in India. Anmol looks after the sales and marketing of EHV cable of Prysmian from its plants located around the globe.

Principal :
BWE, Denmark (now part of BWSC)

Danish boiler manufacturer Burmeister & Wain Energy was an international high-efficiency advanced utility and biomass steam boiler designer for the energy industry. BWE also had pioneering Air Pre-Heaters technology which found its market in India through the Milan-based owner STF Italy which had also delivered state of art boiler based on the firing of syn gas at Essar Steel Hazira, India. The Italian company became bankrupt and BWE went through the process of several M&A and is now BWSC.

NOKIAN CAPACITORS, Finland (now part of GE)

Nokian Capacitors offered solution to save energy and to improve power quality by reactive power compensation and harmonic filtering using equipment and systems designed and manufactured by Nokian.

Nokian Capacitors (through AREVA, France and now GE) in India supplied executed 40% Fixed Series Compensation for 400KV D/C Khandwa Seoni Transmission Line at Khandwa substation for Power Grid Corporation of India Limited.

KEMA- ECC, USA part of KEMA N.V. The Netherlands (Now part of DNV, Denmark)

In India KEMA designed and set up as consultants the Unified Load Dispatch Control Centers for all five regions and the central control center at New Delhi for Power Grid Corporation of India Limited. Anmol Solutions provided the strategic support service.