A few words about us

About us
Anmol Solutions Pvt. Ltd. – A consulting and marketing firm started in 2002 in the power and IT sector. Our focus is now on Sustainable & Carbon Neutral Technologies, IoT and ML
Anmol offers products and services of technological nature in the value chain of power generation through distribution and emerging climate change market associated with fossil power plants, with an aim to enhance the operational efficiency, availability, and cleaner environment. Our strategy is designed to enter a niche market in the complex and price-sensitive industrial goods market of India with innovative solutions brought from overseas manufacturer and solution providers of repute. Our focus area will be Renewable Energy- ESS, Marine power cables to connect Offshore wind platforms and Harnesses for EVs. We will continue offering NOx and SOx solutions to reduce carbon emissions from thermal power plants.
Anmol had an in-house software development centre (2005 – 2010)
We developed and executed a Disaster Management System Software project for West Central Railway at Jabalpur and pioneering development work for the Control Charting Project for Centre for Railway Information Systems (CRIS) in association with one of India’s top IT firms for Indian Railway. Our development and the operational team supported and managed maintenance of mission-critical operation of the Indian Railways Control Office Automation System on a 24 x7 basis round the year at a few locations as part of the POC implementation strategy before going on full commercial. Later Anmol exited from the IT business.
We also marketed different IT tools including power system software for the transmission sector and simulators for power generation.
Vinod Kumar
Managing Director & CEO
Mr. Vinod Kumar is the founder promoter of Anmol Solutions. Over the years he has turned to be the business entrepreneur and has successfully guided many foreign technology companies to establish their presence in India. He is quite passionate about working towards climate change strategies particularly in mitigation and adaptation of carbon emissions reduction & control technologies. His heart lies in sharing knowledge and imparting training to engineers in environmental arena by sending message to them, to contribute enhancing to their employers’ shareholders’ values through basic principles of ESG (Environment, Social and Governance). He is co-founder and director of Indian Power Management Academy (IPMA) – a training institution recognized in 2005 by CEA/Ministry of Power, GOI, New Delhi.
His education background is engineering and business management studies in international trade, environmental law, IR & HR. He brings in the professional experience of almost 40 years in the power industry, trade merchant banking and strategic planning and marketing. He has worked with both public and multinational corporations.

Sanjay V Chinai
Mr. Sanjay V Chinai is the key management person of Anmol Solutions since its inception. He operates out of Mumbai
With a business background and over two decades of experience in international business Sanjay Chinai has led many global companies to find market access in India and Africa. He has been involved with Strategy, Communications & Liaison with corporates to assist grow the business. His expertise in International Business & Relationship Development coupled with access to CXOs of top companies in India has been an excellent contribution to our growth. His network in the financial market of Mumbai is his major strength which he uses quite diligently for the clients’ sake.